Make your own...

Unlock the power of your audience with RepBets.

Welcome to RepBets, where creators and brands harness the power of reputation to cultivate vibrant communities.

  • Rep Clubs

    Create your personalized loyalty program & integrate it with your digital properties. Enable members to earn, buy, & redeem points across your ecosystem, enhancing audience connections & fostering lasting relationships.

  • Rep Points

    Members earn through attending events, engaging with content on social platforms, or other creative methods. These points can be redeemed for rewards offered by your Club or any Rep Club that accepts them.

  • Rep Score

    Measures a user's engagement, participation and influence within RepBets. It reflects their activity level, interactions, & contributions across Rep Clubs.

  • Loyalty Tiers

    As members earn more points, they progress through levels that unlock escalating rewards & privileges. Advancing through tiers encourages ongoing engagement & rewards loyal members with increasingly valuable benefits.

  • Offers

    Create exclusive deals & rewards for your Rep Clubs or partner with other Clubs to provide access to their offers. From discounts on products to VIP access, these offers enhance member engagement & provide tangible benefits for active participation.

  • Events

    Effortlessly manage events, & tie-in unique experiences for attendees. RepBets empowers you to harness community engagement and real-world interactions, with the added advantage of retargeting attendees after the event.

Reward passion, and build thriving communities within RepBets.